LOLSKELETONS' Inappropriate Love for FurBearingBrick

This takes place in LOLSKELETONS' POINT OF VIEW!!!!1
It was one quiet night in SpookyLand. My long, bony fingers were typing up the very story you see here now. My penis grew intensely hard, as I had continued typing. But that was all interrupted by some horrible twist of fate, the twist of fate that taught me a lesson about typing up NSFW stories about Wiki Admins.
Let me explain. I had gotten to the juicy parts of my well written piece of literature. It went a lot like this.
I had approached the cyclops figure, with my freshly bought condom (And Viagra if needed) I thrusted deep into the vaginal contents, she moaned intensely as I had stuck my skeletal penis right in there, twisting left and right, feeling every bump. Every pulsation and flinch from the deep layers and flaps of the sexual organ known only as the vagina, I had squirted my ejaculation right in there. Making the moaning grow larger, better. More succulent if you know what I mean.
But the beauty of this story was all horribly interrupted by the aforementioned twist of fate, the cyclops figure opened the door while I was in the middle of the NSFW bit, claiming she needed to borrow a cup of sugar. (Obviously just another attempt to steal it all) she saw the words that covered the computer screen.
She just silently stood there, mouth agape, and right eye slightly twitching. "Uh...FurBearingBrick, are you ok?" I asked. She responded with a laugh of insanity, "Ok? I couldn't be any better than this! HAHAHAH!!!!"
I was thoroughly creeped out by this. And I had a right to be, but either way, I was banned for quite literally driving an admin off the verge of sanity.
Also FurBearingBrick killed me with a knife, and went off on some kind of shitty Jeff wannabe murder marathon.
And then a skeleton popped out.
Written by Mrepic112